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Circuit Court Judge Submits Paperwork for Retirement

October 14th, 2015 by WCBC Radio

Allegany County Circuit Judge Gary Leasure has submitted paperwork to retire from the position concurrent with the end of his second term on November 7th. Judge Leasure has been a judge of the 4th Judicial Circuit since July of 1983.  He will continue to serve on the bench as a retired judge, especially until a replacement is named. The Local Judicial Nominating Commission includes members of the bar from Allegany and Garrett Counties.  They will accept applications from those interested in the position, and those names will be posted once the application period closes. Three names will be submitted to Governor Larry Hogan for review and one of the names will be selected as the new judge.  That judge will sit for a minimum of one year before the position is subject to election. Because of the proximity to the Presidential election in 2016, the appointed judge will almost certainly not face election until the 2018 election.

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