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Dan’s Mountain Wind Farm Dispute Continues

March 7th, 2016 by WCBC Radio

On Monday, February 29, 2016, Allegany Neighbors & Citizens for Home Owners Right Limited (ANCHOR) filed a Motion to Intervene in the Dan’s Mountain Wind Force’s petition (Case No. 9413) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a 59.5 megawatt wind turbine farm on Dan’s Mountain to the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC).

On Wednesday, March 2, 2016, DMWF filed a Motion to the PSC in opposition of ANCHOR intervening.  Attachment included.

The pre-hearing conference for Case No. 9413 was held on Thursday, March 3, 2016, at the PSC office in Baltimore, MD.  Ms. Terry Romine, the PSC Chief Public Utility Law Judge, denied their request to remove ANCHOR as a petitioner to intervene.  Judge Romine stated she had received many letters and e-mails against the granting of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for DMWF.  She felt the people needed to have a voice at the hearing and saw from ANCHOR’s letter to intervene that we represented the residents of Allegany County; however, ANCHOR must have an attorney to represent us at the hearing and that will mean we need to raise funds to continue our fight.

DMWF also requested that the PSC waive the two-year notice requirement to start the project.  The judge did not approve this request; legal argument will be submitted in support and opposition of this motion at a hearing later.

In late July, the PSC will offer two days of testimony from the residents of Allegany County and will also hold the evidence hearing in Allegany County instead of Baltimore, MD.  Judge Romine encourages the residents to continue to write letters or e-mails; she stressed she reads all of the correspondences herself.

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