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Almanac calling for early snow this winter

September 3rd, 2016 by WCBC Radio

Winter might get an early start this year if the weatherman for J. Gruber's Hagers-town Town and Country Almanack is right. The Herald Mail reports that although weather prognosticator Bill O'Toole admits he was only right about 51 percent of the time in last year's edition, he predicts in the 2017 almanac that the first snowfall will come in a pair of nor'easters in November, bringing heavy snow to the mid-Atlantic region. It would be a stark shift from the past winter when snowflakes weren't seen until just before Winter Storm Jonas dumped 2 to 3 feet of snow across the area in late January. This year marks the 221st consecutive printing of the almanac, popular for its 16-month regional forecasts and as a source of gardening, farming and other useful tips. The 84-page edition, which sells for $5.25, hits the shelves Tuesday.

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