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Federal Railroad Administration Says Westside Bridges Not Owned By CSX

August 6th, 2018 by WCBC Radio

In a letter obtained by WCBC News, the Federal Railroad Administration states that the Westside bridges in Cumberland are not owned by CSX Transportation and therefore the company is not responsible for maintenance. Ownership of the bridges has been a major point of contention between the city and CSX for many years now as they have worked to find a solution to repairing and/or replacing the bridges at Fayette, Washington and Cumberland streets.  On Thursday the two sides met and are making strides toward a solution. Mayor Brian Grim discussed the latest with CSX, including the ownership question when he appeared on WCBC's "Dave Norman Show" Friday. When asked about the FRA letter on ownership- Grim said he was not aware of it…


2 Responses to “Federal Railroad Administration Says Westside Bridges Not Owned By CSX”

  1. August 06, 2018 at 12:05 pm, Cindi said:

    I live on Wash St would it be possible to combine all 3 bridges to come together at one in the middle for all 3 streets then branch off to each individual street. I know it won’t be cheap but it would be better than trying to put in 3 bridges and hiring an engineering company to come in and charge $20K to give you list of options. We have enough qualified educated talented people in our area with knowledge on this. Do a Brain Storming get local opinions.


  2. August 07, 2018 at 12:55 am, Brian Grim said:

    What the letter says is that CSX claims they don’t own the bridges. It is not a definitive ruling or a determination at all, in any sense.


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