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Gun turn-in day in Maryland

May 11th, 2013 by WCBC Radio

The Attorney General's Office is hosting the 1st annual Statewide Gun Turn-In Day today. Residents can bring in their unwanted weapons and the Attorney General's Office says no questions will be asked and no id required. Ten State Police barracks around Maryland will be drop off locations along with other participating police departments. Those who are interested are asked to go into the participating police department or barrack and let the trooper or officer know that you are there to turn in a weapon.


One Response to “Gun turn-in day in Maryland”

  1. May 11, 2013 at 1:30 pm, Robert Malamis said:

    I’m so happy to hear that our benevolent state government has finally found a way to get the criminals to rid themselves of those instruments of death that cause them to break the law. No doubt now all violent gun crime in our state will decrease.
    May I suggest the government also have a “turn-in” day for knives, pressure cookers, ropes, box knives, bags of garden fertilizer, and other household chemicals that have or can be used to harm and or kill someone.
    Thank God our Governor, State Legislature, and Attorney General are looking out for our well-being.
    I can now cancel my plans to move from this state.
    By the way, wouldn’t we all like to pay more taxes to help in our Governor’s attempt to help illegal aliens, and those down trodden souls who would rather not work but are perfectly able to breed and move us to a more perfect union.
    Hallelujah, we are being saved from ourselves.


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