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Local Census Coordinator Discusses 2020 Census

February 6th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Over the next several months, you’ll hear a lot about the 2020 Census, which is key to millions of dollars in federal aid over the next decade.

David Nedved is the local census coordinator for Allegany County Government, and says while we’ve been ahead of national averages, our area can do better…

National Census Day is on April 1st, but there will be online opportunities available in the weeks leading up to that date.

7 Responses to “Local Census Coordinator Discusses 2020 Census”

  1. February 06, 2020 at 9:08 am, Joe Wellberg said:

    On April 1st I won’t even care. I am not going to answer the door when such a census person shows up. I won’t participate to benefit Crazy Nancy Pelosi.


  2. February 06, 2020 at 9:59 am, Linmarie said:

    The census isn’t about Nancy. What if because you aren’t counted the money that would have helped your family in need isn’t given as there aren’t enough people showing on the census?
    This is for the entire country. Please stand up and be counted.


    • February 06, 2020 at 10:23 pm, Joe Wellberg said:

      > Nope. No law mandates me to be counted. Besides if I am not home other then to sleep then I won’t answer the door. Their is more to Nancy Pelosi to not be counted. It is wrong to count students and wrong to count prisoners. Both reason are the fact is Students don’t even make the college their main home. Counting prisoners who won’t can’t contribute doesn’t work.


  3. February 06, 2020 at 10:17 am, Bob said:

    Linmarie is correct; the area is heavily dependent on federal dole. It accounts for over a quarter of local folks income up from a sixth fifty years ago. The local government is also dependent on it to do anything beyond paying their people’s salaries and pensions. A rash of potholes requires a grant from outside the area to get attention.


  4. February 06, 2020 at 10:29 am, Brian said:

    Are the prisoners counted as residents of Allegany County? Their families sure use a lot of our resources.


  5. February 06, 2020 at 10:48 am, Linmarie said:

    According to Huffpost the 2020 census will include prisoners where they are incarcerated.


    • February 06, 2020 at 10:20 pm, Joe Wellberg said:

      > We should not be counting prisoners. They don’t pay taxes.


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