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MD BoE Sets Guidelines For Considering Post-Labor Day School Start Waivers

December 15th, 2016 by WCBC Radio

The Maryland State Board of Education has set guidelines for considering waivers to post-Labor Day school starts under Governor Larry Hogan's recent executive order.  Local boards will have to demonstrate they've met at least one compelling justification outlined in the governor's order. Although this delays the Allegany County Board of Education’s request for a waiver, it appears certain the local system will qualify and thus be permitted to start the 2017-2018 school post Labor Day. They also will have to have conducted at least one public meeting where the waiver application was considered and approved.  Justifications include the adoption of an innovative school schedule for a low-performing, at-risk or charter school. Another would be for a school system that was closed for 10 days per year for weather or disaster-related reasons in either of the last two years.  Allegany County School Superintendent David Cox provided a brief update during this week’s board meeting…


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