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O’Malley Believes Legalizing Table Games Would Be A Distraction

February 17th, 2012 by WCBC Radio

Governor Martin O’Malley said this week he believes a push to legalize table games in Maryland casinos is a distraction to more productive actions lawmakers should be discussing to improve the state this legislative session. O’Malley spoke Wednesday night during a forum at The (Baltimore) Sun with the newspaper’s opinion editor, who posed questions submitted by Maryland residents to the governor. The governor, who has long expressed misgivings about expanding gambling further in the state beyond slot machines, underscored that he respected differing opinions on the matter in the Legislature. He emphasized that he respected Senate President Mike Miller, a supporter of expanding gambling to better compete with neighboring states that have table games. Legislation in Annapolis would allow table games like blackjack and craps at Maryland casinos. It also would allow a casino to be built in Prince George’s County…

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