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Valentine Says Workforce Lacks Necessary Training For Jobs

August 31st, 2018 by WCBC Radio

A frequent criticism one hears locally is that there are no good jobs available in Allegany County. That reason is often given for the large number of young people who choose to leave the area after graduating.  Allegany County Commissioner Bill Valentine thinks that is no longer a fair criticism. He says that while that may have been the case a decade ago- these days there are literally hundreds of jobs- many of them with excellent salaries and benefits- being advertised in the area. He believes the problem today is that many in the local workforce lack the necessary training for those positions- and in some cases it comes down to people not wanting to be drug tested. He notes that the county has taken several steps in to address the problem specifically by looking to hire a workforce development specialist…


One Response to “Valentine Says Workforce Lacks Necessary Training For Jobs”

  1. August 31, 2018 at 7:35 am, Bob said:

    “hire a workforce development specialist…” This sounds like yet another attempt to compensate for the failings of the largest, most expensive enterprise in the area; the public schools. Their graduates are already taught reading and arithmetic at the junior college and now we want to hire a specialist to try to teach them to show up for work and not to get tattoos on their necks and faces.


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