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City Moving On From Raz Development

March 26th, 2024 by WCBC Radio

It looks as if the city of Cumberland and RAZ Development will be parting ways. The developer who was engaged to build housing on the lot where Memorial Hospital stood has not officially heard from the city since December.  Remarks from Mayor Ray Morriss seem to indicate some issues arose when the city took a deeper look at RAZ and is moving on…

March 26th, 2024 by WCBC Radio

It looks as if the city of Cumberland and RAZ Development will be parting ways. The developer who was engaged to build housing on the lot where Memorial Hospital stood has not officially heard from the city since December.  Remarks from Mayor Ray Morriss seem to indicate some issues arose when the city took a deeper look at RAZ and is moving on…


Paul Kelly, RAZ spokesman, says the company has invested money in the project and doesn’t want to walk away…


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