February 6th, 2025 by WCBC Radio
On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department served a criminal summons on John Hamilton Jr. The summons was issued in connection with a fraud investigation that was initiated on January 24, 2025 when police responded to a business on Greene Street for fraudulent checks. The staff reported that John Hamilton Jr. cashed one check on August 22, 2024 and two checks on September 13, 2024. The business later discovered that the checks were fraudulent. After further investigation, police filed for charges against Hamilton at the District Court of Allegany County. Hamilton signed for his copy of the summons and he was released pending trial.
ARRESTED: John Rolland Hamilton Jr. AGE: 53 Cumberland, MD
CHARGES: Forgery-Priv Documents, Con-Forgery-Priv Documents, Theft: $1500 to under $25000, Con-Theft: $1500 to under $25000
January 21st, 2025 by WCBC Radio
On Monday, January 20th, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department served a Criminal Summons on Zachary Daniel Miller, 26, of Cumberland MD. The summons was in reference to an incident reported to the Cumberland Police on January 14th. In the incident, it is alleged that Miller stole a debit card and used it to withdraw unauthorized funds from the victim’s account. On this date, Miller was served the summons and released, pending trial in District Court
Name: Zachary Daniel Miller Age: 26
Charges: Theft $100 to under $1500 x3, Credit Card:Steal Another’s, Theft Scheme: $100 to less than $1500.
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