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Public School COVID Update

April 8th, 2022 by WCBC Radio

For the 7-day period of April 1-7, 2022, there were no schools that met the definition of a School Wide or Cohort Outbreak of COVID-19. 

ACPS had zero staff members and 3 students reported as positive for COVID-19 during this time.  ACPS had 1 staff member quarantined as a close contact.  There were no students reported as a close contact to a positive person and required to quarantine. 

February 19th, 2022 by WCBC Radio

Weekly COVID Update: For the 7-day period of  February 11- 17,  2022, there were no schools that met the definition of a School Wide Outbreak of COVID-19.


Flintstone Elementary School had two cohorts that met the definition of a cohort outbreak.


ACPS had 7 staff members and 39 students reported as positive for COVID-19 during this time.  ACPS had 4 staff members quarantined as a close contact.  67 students were reported as close contacts to a positive person and required to quarantine.  This includes all staff and students reported as close contacts, whether the close contact occurred in the home, community, or school.

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