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Special News Series: Silence During Crisis

October 5th, 2023 by WCBC Radio

In our news series this week, Silence During Crisis, WCBC News looks at how emergency information is disseminated to the public. We look at yesterday's National test and concerns local emergency service officials have with the emergency alert system. 

While the official report will not be available for another 3 to 4 months FEMA officials are calling yesterday's test a success. Millions of cell phones, TVs and radios in the United States blared distinctive emergency alert tones for about a minute at 2:18PM Wednesday. "The test went extremely well," said Antwane Johnson, acting deputy assistant administrator for FEMA’s National Continuity Programs Directorate. Wednesday alert was the first Nationwide Emergency Alert Test since 2018.

Locally, the test was a success for radio and television station. While the wireless alert system provided an initial alert to Cellular subscribers, WCBC news did find a failure in the reoccurring messages not being sent to phones that were powered off just before the test and turned on at 2:21PM. According to the test parameters the test begain at 2:18PM and would ran for 30 minutes. All cellular phones should have received alerts, however according to our research study there was a gap.

Emergency alert system continues to provide Amber as well as severe weather alerts. The concerns by emergency officials is that citizens disregard the alert tone because it is now such a common occurrence.

Roger Bennett, Deputy Director for Allegany County Emergency Services…says in some regions the EAS system is overused and actually numb the public to emergency information…


Alex Delia, Director of the Bedford County Emergency Services worries that the system can desensitize the community and individuals turn off the alert notifications..


In our news series Friday, Silence During Crisis, we will review what we've learned over the past 5 days.

To subscribe for emergency alerts from Local Emergency Service in your community:

Garrett County Emergency Services

Allegany County Emergency Services

Bedford County Emergency Services

Mineral County Emergency Services
Mineral County Emergency Services visit

October 2nd, 2023 by WCBC Radio

In our series this week, Silence during Crisis, WCBC News looks at how emergency information is disseminated to the public through County officials. Locally Emergency Services utilizes social media posts to its followers along with a web-based software to provide alerts to the public over the Wireless Alert System.

Justin Orendorf, Communications Chief with Garrett County Emergency Services….says that the system can provide alerts to people who subscribe as well as those traveling through the area using the cellular phone system…

Roger Bennett, Deputy Director for Allegany County Emergency Services…says the County is in the process of transferring from one web-based software to a new platform being used by Garrett County…

Alex Delia, Director of the Bedford County Emergency Services utilizes a different platform to alert their community… 

Calls to Mineral County Emergency Services in Keyser, West Virginia have gone unanswered.

Although Local officials utilize the Wireless Alert System heavily along with social media to provide critical information to the public, a primary flaw in this delivery method is that in order to receive these alerts individuals must have a cellular phone with a service provider whereas the Emergency Alert System provides the information to local radio and television stations at no cost to the consumer. Presently there is no direct automated link to the Emergency Alert System between local media and County Emergency Services in our community.

Tomorrow in our news series, Silence during Crisis, we'll discuss with County officials how regional alerts are coordinated in our unique geographical area.

Local Emergency Service web pages to subscribe and follow for alerts in your community:

Garrett County Emergency Services

Allegany County Emergency Services

Bedford County Emergency Services

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