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Robocall Trial Postponed

November 16th, 2011 by WCBC Radio

A trial has been postponed for a political operative for former Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich accused of encouraging voters in heavily black areas to stay home on Election Day. Julius Henson, a campaign consultant, was set to go on trial Tuesday on charges of using robocalls to encourage voters to stay home. After both sides assembled in court, the trial was postponed until Feb. 6.  The judge in the case recused himself apparently because he was appointed by Governor O'Malley. Henson and Paul Schurick, a longtime Ehrlich aide, are charged with conspiring to violate election laws and other offenses. Schurick's trial is to begin later this month. The calls told supporters of Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley and President Barack Obama to relax because the candidates had won. Henson has said he did not believe the calls were illegal and weren't meant to suppress the vote.

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