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Two Positive COVID cases in Allegany County Schools

October 16th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

In the event of a positive Covid-19 case within the Allegany County Public Schools, ACPS in collaboration with the Allegany County Health Department, will directly notify the parents/guardians of those students who have had close contact with the ill person while at school. Close contact is defined as being fewer than 6 feet apart for longer than 15 minutes, with or without a face covering. 


The school will also notify parents/guardians if the Covid-19 positive case was within their child’s school, even if their child was not a close contact.  This notification will be done through the ACPS Blackboard Notification System.


Every Friday, ACPS will release to the public the total number of positive cases within the county school buildings. For the week of October 12 – October 16, ACPS reports two individuals who have tested positive for Covid-19 who were within an Allegany County Public School(s). These two individuals are currently out of the school building(s) and will continue to isolate. In both cases it was determined that there were no close contacts within the school(s), and no students or staff were quarantined as a result of these positive cases. Parents who have children attending these schools were notified through the ACPS Blackboard Notification System.