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WMSR Receives $10,000.00 Grant for WM1309

March 26th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

On Wednesday The John Emery Rail Heritage Trust announced grant recipients for this year, which included the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad.  John Emery was a long-time Chicago resident who was an avid rail enthusiast who loved to ride trains around the world, and wanted to help preserve rail equipment and infrastructure that will allow future generations to share his experiences during what he considered the “Golden Age” of railway travel, from 1920 to 1960.

Thirty-one (31) applications were received requesting in excess of $900,000.00.  After extensive research and serious consideration by advisors of the Trust, 18 grants were awarded totaling almost $305,000.00.  The John Emery Rail Heritage Trust is the largest trust in the US that makes 100% of its awards solely for the railroad restoration purposes – locomotives, rolling stock and facilities.

The Western Maryland Scenic Railroad received a $10,000.00 award grant for continued work on ex-Chesapeake and Ohio #1309, the last Baldwin built steam locomotive for domestic service.  The Western Maryland Scenic Railroad acquired the 1309 in 2015 and has been restoring the locomotive over the last several years.  This Grant shall be applied to the cost associated with lifting the locomotive so the locomotive can be re-wheeled.  This event shall commence after the Corona-virus outbreak has been cleared.  The WMSR is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit company established in 1988.  Donations to the project can be made at or by mailing a check into the General Office, 1309 Fund, 13 Canal Street, Cumberland, MD  21502.  Please ensure “For WM1309” appears on the memo line.

6 Responses to “WMSR Receives $10,000.00 Grant for WM1309”

  1. March 26, 2020 at 3:58 pm, Kevin said:

    . . . we can all send our Coronavirus stim check! Brilliant.


  2. March 26, 2020 at 5:17 pm, mac said:

    I can’t remember the last dollar amount but I think that leaves them about $300,000 short.
    Another example of throwing good money after bad.
    They will eventually beg, borrow and steal all they need and it will still be a poorly operated, money losing proposition.


  3. March 26, 2020 at 5:20 pm, Randy said:

    Time for them to stand on there own. No more tax payer funding!


  4. March 26, 2020 at 5:49 pm, Steve said:

    More Good money to achieve ????
    To quote; “Know when to hold them, know when to fold them”


  5. March 26, 2020 at 10:32 pm, Hank Logsdon said:

    What a boondogle this has been for years.


  6. March 27, 2020 at 5:49 am, mac said:

    It’t seems pretty obvious that you won’t be seeing Kevin,Randy,Steve,Hank or myself on that thing in the future.
    Who else wants to not join us on the train?


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