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WV Senate Democrats Worried About Insulin Bill Prospects

March 3rd, 2020 by WCBC Radio

Senate Democrats held a news conference in Charleston yesterday, saying they are worried about the prospects of a bill which would cap the cost of insulin for diabetics at $25 a month.

Senator Ron Stollings is also a physician who has a practice in Boone County…

2 Responses to “WV Senate Democrats Worried About Insulin Bill Prospects”

  1. March 03, 2020 at 10:10 am, mac said:

    I don’t understand what side of the argument he is on. He points out the devastating health consequences of diabetes. Shouldn’t this life saving medication be available at the minimum cost allowable?


  2. March 03, 2020 at 11:17 am, Pat said:

    They don’t want to pass a bill to help diabetics who need this medicine but can’t afford it but they can sure provide Suboxene & needles for the drug abusers. Makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?


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