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City Engineer Discusses Unresolved Baltimore Street Redevelopment Issues

November 12th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

The goal has been to have drawings for the Baltimore Street Redevelopment Project completed and submitted to the Maryland State Highway Administration for approval by the end of the year. However, some hurdles have not been cleared, and that could impact the timeline. The project includes reopening Baltimore Street to one-way vehicular traffic, a bike lane, limited parking, new utility lines and infrastructure and other amenities. The estimated price tag stands around $9.5 million with the hope being that a late spring/early summer groundbreaking could be scheduled. Until the final design is submitted, however, the project can’t be submitted for approval and can’t be put out for bid. City Engineer Robert Smith reported this week that his department has been working diligently to finalize the design plans, but he says some unresolved issues remain…