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City Receives Introductory Overview Of A Proposal To Privatize City’s Water And Sewer Systems

August 22nd, 2019 by WCBC Radio

The Fair Value Act in Maryland was touted as a way for cities facing mounting infrastructure upgrades to sell their assets to a private utility better equipped to finance necessary upgrades. During a work session this week, the Cumberland Mayor and City Council received an introductory overview of a proposal from the Maryland American Water Corporation on the concept of privatizing the city’s water and sewer systems.  The session was attended by water department management as well as union representatives.  President Barry Suits said one major advantage is the national operation in place complete with the availability of experts on every level to address any problems…


5 Responses to “City Receives Introductory Overview Of A Proposal To Privatize City’s Water And Sewer Systems”

  1. August 22, 2019 at 11:13 am, LRH said:

    Here we go again. This ranks up there with their attempt to sell the Constitution Park property. Sort term gain long term pain. Go way to get yourself unelected. Just say NO.


  2. August 22, 2019 at 11:29 am, kevin said:

    I fail to see how adding a profit component to the water / sewer system will make it more affordable given no one lives here anymore. This is madness of the highest order. True insanity.


  3. August 22, 2019 at 11:43 am, mac said:

    And if it’s privatized it is no longer under the oversight of the MDE and PSC? Who then sets the rates? Who has oversight?
    A privatized water department has one goal, PROFIT! They aren’t doing this as a public service.
    Of course you will have a choice, pay whatever the rate may be or choose a different water supplier.


  4. August 22, 2019 at 11:50 am, mac said:

    You know, these people show up at the council meetings and give their slick presentations, with color slides and full color handouts and the council members bite. It happened with the PR firm and now it’s happening again. These people seem to fall for any flim flam artist that comes through the door.


  5. August 22, 2019 at 12:15 pm, Mark said:

    This is all Cumberland needs, selling out a VITAL service to a bunch of greedy Corporate They’ll jack up rates and neglect spending on upgrades and leave a broken system behind. Of course the city does the same, but at least the citizens still own the darn system!


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