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City Signs Off on Contract for Downtown Redevelopment Design Consultants

July 20th, 2018 by WCBC Radio

Another step forward for the Baltimore Street Redevelopment Project as the Cumberland Mayor and City Council has signed off on a contract with a consultants group to develop streetscape design plans. The Cumberland Economic Development Corporation has secured roughly half of the estimated $5 million needed for the improvements which include: replacing underground utilities, restoring Baltimore Street with a one-way thoroughfare running from Mechanic Street to George Street and redesigning aesthetics. The design contract, with a price of $47,500, will be awarded to Cochran Studios, a Frederick-based firm. Cumberland City Administrator Jeff Rhodes said that the company has 25 years of design experience and has completed design projects throughout Maryland….

One Response to “City Signs Off on Contract for Downtown Redevelopment Design Consultants”

  1. July 21, 2018 at 8:07 pm, Connie Kline said:

    Why are we wasting more money on Baltimore Street, People of Cumberland just got hit with a 9.75% increase in city taxes while Mayor Brian Grimm wastes money we don’t have on a project that is a dead horse. There are no businesses downtown, but why should he care he just voted himself a raise, while working people have trouble making ends meet. PEOPLE REMEMBER BRIAN RAISED YOUR TAXES ALMOST 10% AND HE IS RUNNING FOR MAYOR AGAIN, DO THE MATH!!!


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