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City To Vote On Support Of Footer Dye Works Application

February 26th, 2013 by WCBC Radio

Next up in the ongoing saga of the Footer Dye Works building is a decision by the Cumberland Mayor and City Council to determine whether to support an application that the project be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Cumberland Historic Preservation Commission voted earlier this month to move in that direction, and the subject tops the agenda tonight for the city council. The building has been subject of debate in the community for several years now. Some believe there is value in trying to solicit private developers for commercial opportunities; while others- who don’t feel the four-story structure is of historical significance without the adjacent saw tooth buildings- favor demolition. It is believed that if the building is placed on the National Registry- the demolition option would become far more difficult to achieve. Meanwhile the Canal Place Authority has yet to receive one firm proposal from the private sector.  Rodney Little, Director of the Maryland Historic Trust, talked with WCBC News and said that the building has been deemed structurally sound- and that means there is no impetus to move in the direction of tearing it down…

One Response to “City To Vote On Support Of Footer Dye Works Application”

  1. February 26, 2013 at 7:33 am, Linmarie said:

    The Footer Dye building is structurally sound they say. After years of neglect it is determined that it is better than Memorial and Braddock hospitals? St.Peter and Paul’s school was torn down and it was far better than Footer. It seems that the decisions have already been made concerning the Footer Dye building. Placing it on a National Register that is crazy. The Coney Island hotdog has earned a place on the National Register..not the Footer Dye building.


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