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Franchot Cautions of Troubling Economic Indicators

August 30th, 2019 by WCBC Radio

Maryland's state revenues are almost $217 million more than projected in the last fiscal year.  Comptroller Peter Franchot provided the new numbers this week while also warning of some troubling economic indicators. The stronger-than-expected revenue resulted from growth from capital gains. The additional revenue means the state's general fund balance is now about $351 million. That's compared to the overall operating budget last year of $46.6 billion.  Still, Franchot says some indicators increase the possibility of economic contraction. Despite this unexpected influx of revenue-  the Comptroller advocates a fiscally conservation approach…

One Response to “Franchot Cautions of Troubling Economic Indicators”

  1. August 30, 2019 at 3:14 pm, Sheri Jones said:

    this is just fear mongering.. the economy is good, Maryland has taken in alot more revenue this year due to the country’s economic growth


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