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Historic Preservation Commission Voices Concern Over Footer Mansion Demolition

May 31st, 2019 by WCBC Radio

The Cumberland Historic Preservation Commission received some strongly worded advice from Mayor Ray Morriss this week: if they are interested in saving or designating a building or property as historic- provide plenty of notice.  After the former Footer Mansion at 307 Decatur Street was purchased last November with plans to demolish the property for expanding a commercial business-  members of the historic commission voiced concern to the mayor and city council pointing to historic significance of the property.  In an afternoon work session, Mayor Morriss noted that the complaint came just days after he had taken office- and after the demolition permit had been issued. He suggested that such concerns or requests in the future be made in a timelier manner…

2 Responses to “Historic Preservation Commission Voices Concern Over Footer Mansion Demolition”

  1. May 31, 2019 at 10:47 am, kevin said:

    This is our region – Cumberland, Keyser, it does not matter. We wait until it is too late, too far gone, and then we whine about the loss.

    The time to save our history is BEFORE the building is falling down or on fire.

    We also need to be willing to pay for it ourselves and not hope for a miracle donner to magically appear.


  2. May 31, 2019 at 5:31 pm, Katarina said:

    The previous Mayor Grim had the business acumen, skills and foresight for all things Cumberland. We went from the birdhouse to the outhouse.


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