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Interim Superintendent Meets to Discuss Disruptive Student Trend

December 20th, 2019 by WCBC Radio

Evan West, UniServ director for education associations in Allegany and Garrett counties, told the Allegany County Board of Education that the association met recently with Interim Superintendent Jeff Blank and his senior-level staff to discuss problems caused by disruptive students. Last month West presented some sobering information highlighting an  increase in the number of incidents of aggressive and violent behavior among students. He reported teachers  have been assaulted, spat on and that those issues are  jeopardizing  the safety of school staff and students.  West described the meeting with the superintendent as helpful- but added some potential solutions will have to handled on a state level…

6 Responses to “Interim Superintendent Meets to Discuss Disruptive Student Trend”

  1. December 20, 2019 at 8:01 am, David said:

    This is a problem across our country. We refuse to deal with reality and so we struggle to maintain discipline and structure in ways that are unsustainable.


    • December 20, 2019 at 8:40 am, Virgil said:

      Maybe if we had more “Please be kind” signs these mini thugs would settle down. Let’s face it, when you take away the ability to discipline the result will be chaos. Our kids deserve better.


  2. December 20, 2019 at 9:20 am, Hank said:

    This behavior starts at home. It comes from the destruction of the basic family unit. This started in the 1960s. Teachers have become family to some students. Parents must instill discipline and today unfortunately most don’t. I am blessed to have had a close family. My parents always stressed good behavior and manners!!!


    • December 21, 2019 at 11:18 am, Ken said:

      Hank, Thankfully we were both blessed with having parents who cared more about raising kids than buying a new TV to impress the neighbors.

      Sadly, we have become a society where most parents work full time which leaving their kids with next to no parental influence. Instead, what should be the parents responsibility to instill values has now been pushed onto the school system, as if they didn’t already have enough on their plate.

      Thanks for raising this point and keeping the discussion on a level-headed keel.

      Oh and, Merry Christmas all. Best wishes from my family to all of yours for a Happy New Year.


      • December 21, 2019 at 1:47 pm, Bob said:

        > I’d wager pretty heavily that children who are living with both parents who are both working are not a major part of this problem.


  3. December 20, 2019 at 1:00 pm, Bob said:

    The previous governor changed the laws regarding discipline of disruptive students to make them racially discriminatory so one should not count on the state sorting a situation of its own making.


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