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State Superintendent Delays Blank Appointment

October 23rd, 2019 by WCBC Radio

WCBC News has learned that Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Karen Salmon has delayed the effort to appoint Jeff Blank as the permanent superintendent of Allegany County Public Schools. In a letter to the local board, Salmon points out that the action to move Blank from interim to permanent was against statutory law. At an October 8th meeting, the board, on a controversial split 3-2 vote, named Blank permanent superintendent. Board members Robert Farrell, David Bohn and Wayne Foote voted in favor of the action- with members Tammy Fraley and Deb Frank voicing strong opposition. Fraley, at the time, suggested giving Blank the job without properly advertising the position was a clear violation…

Board President Bob Farrell, VP David Bohn and Llewellyn are scheduled to appear on Wednesday's Dave Norman Program.

One Response to “State Superintendent Delays Blank Appointment”

  1. October 25, 2019 at 10:52 am, Jean Helz said:

    I attended the meeting and was shocked by the power grab by one side of the board without even the proper discussion! Jean Helz


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