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Hogan Administration Announces $490,000 in Community Services Block Grant Awards

October 20th, 2017 by WCBC Radio

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development today announced $490,000 in Community Services Block Grant awards. The grants to 12 nonprofits and units of local government will provide services to nearly 20,000 low-income Marylanders and will leverage nearly $700,000 in additional funding from private, nonprofit, and other partners.


"These awards will help provide much-needed resources and services to our low-income citizens," said Governor Larry Hogan. "The organizations receiving this funding will help Marylanders in need to gain valuable access to education, employment, and other support services to help them succeed."  


Maryland receives nearly $10 million in federal funds through the Community Services Block Grant. By law, 90 percent of these funds go directly to support the work of the 17 Community Action Agencies in Maryland. Five percent of the funds are reserved for discretionary grants, which comprise the awards listed below. Funded programs provide a range of direct services designed to assist low-income individuals and families to attain the skills, knowledge, and support needed to achieve self-sufficiency. Community action agencies provide services in all 23 Maryland counties and the City of Baltimore. Services and activities may include housing, Head Start education for youth, nutrition programs, transportation programs, employment, and emergency services such as shelter or energy assistance.


"Our local government and Community Action Agency partners are vitally important to maintaining the safety net for the most vulnerable Marylanders," said Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Kenneth C. Holt. "These awards will enable them to continue to deliver quality services and programs to our citizens, and we are proud to support their good work."


The FY18 Community Services Block Grant awardees are:


Allegany County Human Services Development Commission, Inc. – $15,000

The Mobility Management program helps address the transportation barrier for low-income and elderly residents needing to access non-emergency medical health care appointments.


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