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ACPS Chief Academic Officer Explains Decision to Continue Virtual Learning

January 13th, 2021 by WCBC Radio

The Allegany County Board of Education voted Tuesday to have all ACPS students continue to remain in a fully-virtual learning format until the target positivity rate in the county is 5% or less and the target cases per 100,000 in the county is 15 cases or less for five consecutive days. The board received a presentation to start the meeting from Janelle Mayer, Allegany County’s Health Officer, and Dr. Jen Corder, Allegany and Garrett County Deputy Health Officer, with an overview of the latest COVID-19 metrics, Unfortunately, the numbers are still well above what would be considered safe at this point. Dr Kim Kalbaugh, chief academic officer, said that a return to school schedule, mapping out a structured return for a hydrid learning program has been developed, but until the numbers improve, it’s impossible to establish firm return dates…