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Casper Taylor Jr Among Those Recognized for Distinguished Service

January 1st, 2021 by WCBC Radio

Comptroller Peter Franchot virtually presented the R. Clayton Mitchell Jr. Awards for Distinguished Public Service to a person in each Maryland jurisdiction. Casper Taylor Jr. was recognized for Allegany County and Peggy Jamison for Garrett County.

Taylor served as speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates from 1994–2003, among the longest speaker’s tenures in Maryland history. 

Jamison is a former mayor and council member of Oakland, a town that she served for 28 years. She remains involved with the town in a volunteer capacity, supporting the Main Street and Greater Oakland Business Association programs.

Franchot created the award to honor the legacy of the former delegate and speaker of the house.

Mitchell was an Army veteran and gentleman farmer who worked to improve access to education, modernize transportation and invest in open space programs in Maryland to benefit all.

Mitchell was the recipient of the 2016 William Donald Schaefer Helping People Award for Kent County.

The Mitchell Award recognizes past or current elected officials at all levels of government who exemplify Mitchell’s spirit of public service, demonstrating strong leadership, humility and compassion for their communities.

The former speaker’s son, Clayton A. Mitchell Sr., partnered in the presentations with the comptroller, offering personal insight into his father’s tenure as a civil servant.

“Clay was a dear friend and mentor and we lost a grand statesman and cherished public servant when he passed. With so many exceptional candidates in the Free State, these were at times difficult choices to make,” Franchot said of the selection process.

“I want to congratulate all of the recipients, and thank them for their dedication and service to Maryland. We are all better off because of your unwavering advocacy and commitment to truly serving those you represent.”