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City offers tips to avoid frozen pipes

January 16th, 2018 by WCBC Radio

During extreme cold temperatures, the City of Cumberland Water Department recommends that residents and business owners consider letting a small trickle of water run in a sink to avoid water line freezing.  Even when air temperatures begin to rise, it is recommended to continue to do this because the ground will remain frozen.

Most frozen water lines occur on services lines in and around residential homes and commercial buildings and are the responsibility of the property owner or occupant.  Though not a requirement of home and building owners, letting a small trickle of water running may prevent costly damage from busted pipes and having to thaw frozen water lines.  Residents and business owners should also check for sources of air in and around their service line and meters and insulate or close any openings in these areas to keep pipes from freezing. 

Due to the high volume of calls currently being received, the Cumberland Water Department wants to emphasize that there may be a delay in the prompt service that is normally provided.

All City of Cumberland employees have proper identification, and residents and business owners should require that this documentation be presented before allowing anyone into their property.

Contact the Water Department at 301-759-6625 for additional information.


One Response to “City offers tips to avoid frozen pipes”

  1. May 30, 2022 at 7:39 am, plumbsup said:

    I agree! Regular water line maintenance is essential as it ensures continuous water supply and prevents pipes from bursting which is costly to repair and replace. Water is vital to every home and hence the need to ensure that there is a good flow of water into your home. This is why maintenance is very important.


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January 6th, 2017 by WCBC Radio

With the anticipation of extremely cold temperatures over the next several days, the City of Cumberland Water Department recommends that citizens and business owners consider leaving a small trickle of water run in a sink to avoid water line freezing.  Though not a requirement of home and building owners, most frozen water lines occur on service lines in and around residential homes and commercial buildings and are the responsibility of the property owner or occupant.  Though optional, leaving a small trickle run may avoid costly damage from busted pipes and the need to thaw out water lines.  Residents and business owners should also check for sources of air in and around their service line and internal meter and should make attempts to insulate or close any openings in these areas to avoid freezing pipes.

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