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IAFF Local 1715, has voted no-confidence in EMS Chief Christopher Biggs.

December 1st, 2021 by WCBC Radio

The union has released the following statement:

As public servants for Allegany County, we have witnessed mismanagement under the direction of Chief Biggs. For far too long, we have observed the issues that have been affecting the department but have remained silent out of fear of retaliation. We can no longer stay silent while Chief Biggs threatens the safety and livelihood of our members, other departmental employees, and citizens. 


In 2019, when Christopher Biggs was appointed EMS Chief, he sent an e-mail promising “morale, communication, policies and procedures etc. will all be improved.” He assured that his “… commitment to you is honesty, transparent information and management.” None of which have occurred, and in many situations have displayed the exact opposite. 


During Chief Biggs’ tenure, he has fostered an atmosphere of hostility, nepotism, retaliation, and unethical behavior. Concerns regarding Chief Biggs’ competence and integrity for the job have been unresolved for too long. Our departments culture is now toxic and Chief Biggs’ performance is negatively impacting employees’ health, daily operations, and the quality of service provided in Allegany County. Regardless of the environment that Chief Biggs has cultivated and the inaction of the department leadership, the employees have continued to strive to provide excellent services.


We the unified body of Local 1715, after much discussion and contemplation voted on November 15, 2021, in majority of no confidence in Chief Christopher Biggs. Prior to this vote, formal complaints were submitted to Human Resources beginning April of this year and are still ongoing. We utilized our chain of command; Deputy Director Roger Bennett, Director James Pyles, Human Resources Director Kristi Liller, and County Commissions Jake Shade, David Caporale, and Creade Brodie Jr, to express our issues and concerns, with failure to identify a meaningful resolution or compromise. 


Director Pyles stated “that these issues have been adequately investigated and addressed and that the concerns raised have been rectified”. We have seen no evidence of any resolutions to the concerns raised by employees, while management continues deflecting our concerns. Lack of response has left us with no choice but to try to resolve these matters by utilizing other means. Unfortunately, we do not believe that the department can move forward under his leadership. For the good of the citizens of the county, we are calling for his removal as Emergency Medical Services Chief.