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GOP Presidential Debates Have Proven To Be A Rollercoaster Ride For Candidates

November 10th, 2011 by WCBC Radio

The latest in a seemingly never ending series of GOP Presidential Debates was held Wednesday night in Michigan- and it’s anybody’s­­ guess as to which candidate will emerge as the front runner this week. For months now the polls have proven a rollercoaster ride for republican presidential hopefuls with the top spot in the polls changing sometimes week to week. Maryland Sixth District Republican Congressman Roscoe Bartlett tells WCBC News that he believes it is strong field of candidates- and that voters are simply taking their time in finalizing their choice to challenge President Barrack Obama. While not yet endorsing any candidate, Bartlett did have praise for former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich for trying to keep the process focused on the issues- and not personalities…

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