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Police Union Contracts; Road Paving Plans approved by city

August 19th, 2015 by WCBC Radio

It was a brief, but productive meeting of the Cumberland Mayor and City Council Tuesday night. In a 30 minute session that was conducted minus two concil members and the city administrator- the city officials voted to approve a new three year contract with the UFCW union representing city police officers. The new contract includes a 1% cola as well as a 1% stpiend/bonus. In addition the council accepted the proposal of Sage Policy Group based in Baltimore to provide an "Economic Feasibility Analysis and Implementation Plan" for the city's Strategic Opportunity Sites Program. The contract is not to exceed $50,000. The council appointed the final member to the newly aformed Economic Development Corporation, naming Kelli Alloway to that post. And perhaps the most notable action, the coucil approved an esitmated $1 million in road paving projects, including North Centre Street; Greene Street; Washington Street; Decatur Street and Louisiana Avenue. 

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