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Mountain Ridge Boys Soccer Championship Arrangements Announced

November 13th, 2019 by WCBC Radio

The Mountain Ridge boys' soccer team will play Francis Scott Key in the 1A Maryland State Finals soccer game on Friday, November 15th at 5:00 pm at Loyola University's Ridley Athletic Complex. 

Admission is $10.00 for individuals 7 years of age and older.

From Mountain Ridge High School (Driving Directions)

Follow Interstate 70 East to I-695 (Baltimore Beltway).
Take I-695 North towards Towson.
Follow I-83 South for approximately five miles.
Take Exit 9B (Cold Spring Lane WEST).
At the top of the ramp, bear right onto Cold Spring Lane.
Get into left lane.
At the first traffic light, turn left (next to the Baltimore Northern District Police Station).
Keep left and go up the hill to the Complex.

My suggestion I would use the WAZE app for travel

Go Miners!

Information sent from MPSSAA

*** NO tailgating, NO alcohol, NO pets, & NO horns or whistles permitted. *** 

**Spectator access to stadium will be via main entry gate ONLY.** 

* Ticket booths will be open 30 minutes prior to first game on Thursday/Friday and one hour prior to Saturday’s first game. 

* Facility address (for GPS use only): 2221 West Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, 21211

2 Responses to “Mountain Ridge Boys Soccer Championship Arrangements Announced”

  1. November 13, 2019 at 11:57 am, Kevin said:

    Best wishes to the Miners soccer team, however it will be tough playing in front of a crowd that has been muzzled and forced into silence for the game. Leave it to the MPSSAA to suck the life out of a championship match.


  2. November 13, 2019 at 3:36 pm, Joe white said:

    Those directions are spot on. I worked on that area for many years, and the Ridley complex is fairly new. Forget Waze & GPS.


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