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New Reporting for Concussion, Probable Head Injury Protocol in ACPS

June 8th, 2018 by WCBC Radio

The Allegany County Public School System has changed the consussion and probable head injury protocol to be compliant with new State guidelines. The approach to reporting a sports related concussion and providing appropriate support for a student returning to school after such an injury requires a coordinated and collaborative team effort.

               Principals, administrators, supervisors, school nurses, athletic trainers, physical education teachers, athletic directors, and coaches have received guidance on the new reporting protocol, which is effective July 1st. This guidance is also available on the school system’s website on the Athletics Department page at  

               A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the normal function of the brain. Concussions, even mild ones, are serious matters and should be treated as such.

               For more information regarding new state guidelines, contact Dr. Ben Brauer, Supervisor of Student Services, PE, Health, Athletics, and School Safety and Security, at 301-759-2410.


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