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Van Hollen bill aims to keep airlines from ‘forcibly’ removing passengers

April 14th, 2017 by WCBC Radio

Legislation being circulated by Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., aims to keep airline passengers from being involuntarily kicked off flights following a viral video that showed a 69-year-old grandfather being violently forced from a United Airlines plane last weekend. Under Van Hollen’s bill, if airlines need to free up seats, they would be required to negotiate with passengers, offering incentives until they get the number of volunteers they need.


Airlines would not be able to simply force someone to leave; they would need to reach an agreement, Van Hollen said.


“Airlines should be required to offer whatever inducement is necessary to get passengers they’re trying to get off the plane to disembark,” he said. “The financial risk should be on the airline.”


Congress is in recess, but Van Hollen said he expects to receive broad support for the legislation when the Senate returns later this month.

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