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West Virginia Driving Laws Go Into Effect

June 30th, 2013 by WCBC Radio

The state of West Virginia is tightening its driving laws beginning Monday.  Starting July 1, drivers can be pulled over for talking on a phone without a hands-free feature. Violators face a $100 fine for a first offense.  West Virginia is also upgrading its seat belt law. Motorists can be pulled over for not wearing one starting July 9. That violation had previously been a secondary offense.

One Response to “West Virginia Driving Laws Go Into Effect”

  1. June 30, 2013 at 7:12 am, Linmarie said:

    Well, I do hope WV has better luck than Maryland with people obeying the law of not using the phone/txting in the car. There are still too many people in Cumberland who think the law was made for someone else.


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