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Bicycle Lane Proposal Sparks Debate; Possible Compromise Plans

February 18th, 2015 by WCBC Radio

For close to 90 minutes the Cumberland Mayor and City Council on Tuesday heard from citizens on both sides of the proposed bicycle lane for Frederick and Bedford Streets.  The proposal has been a controversial one with petitions being circulated representing the for and against crowds. Those in favor essentially suggest that the street is currently utilized by cyclists, and having a clearly defined bike lane would make for an easier co-existence between those on bicycles and vehicular traffic. Those opposed fear it would make a dangerous situation even more unstable as well as causing traffic congestion. By unofficial count, at the end of Tuesday’s session, of those who spoke on the issue, four were in favor; five against with three presenting various compromise plans. City Councilman David Kauffman proposed that a one week trial period, blocking out the proposed bike lane from traffic, be conducted to more accurately gauge the potential impact:


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