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Frostburg Police cracks down on Distracted Driving

April 19th, 2022 by WCBC Radio

On the afternoons of Wednesday, April 13 and Thursday, April 14, 2022, Frostburg City Police performed 4 hour blocks of concentrated traffic enforcement focusing on cell phone and
occupant protection violations. The Frostburg City Police Department initiated a total of twenty-one (21) traffic stops resulting
 9 citations for cell phone use while driving violations;
 6 citations for seatbelt violations
 4 warnings for seatbelt violations
 3 warnings for failure to display license
 1 traffic arrest for driving without a license
 1 citation for failure to display license upon demand
 1 citation for failure to stop a steady circular signal
 1 warning for driving with expired license
 1 warning for failure to display registration upon demand
 1 warning for unsecured load
 1warning for a cell phone violation
 1 probable cause search
This initiative was made possible by grant funding from the Maryland Highway Safety Office for
enforcement overtime and the City of Frostburg.
Chief Costello commended Sergeant Nathan Curry for his work on the grant. “Sgt. Curry worked
both initiatives and demonstrated outstanding initiative and work on this focused enforcement
effort. Texting and driving is one of the most dangerous activities on the road today, and I
appreciate the great work to keep our City safe,” said Chief Costello.