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Hogan’s view on how Republicans can win statewide

July 13th, 2022 by WCBC Radio

Governor Larry Hogan has served up a blueprint for how Republicans can win statewide in deep-blue Maryland by cultivating a moderate image that resonates with some Democrats. Next week’s GOP gubanatorial primary pits Hogan-backed Kelly Schulz against Donald Trump-backed state Delegate Dan Cox. While those two are neck and neck in the polls- this campaign is about more than just the nomination. It is also a proxy battle between Hogan and Trump. Hogan is seen as a potential rival for Trump in the 2024 for their party’s nomination for president. The two men have made little secret of their distaste for the other, and Hogan has offered support to Republicans across the country who have provoked Trump’s wrath. In a recent interview Hogan said that while it has taken longer than he anticipated, there are signs that the former president’s hold on the party is eroding…