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Morriss Comments on Drug Increases in Cumberland Area

December 13th, 2021 by WCBC Radio

During a recent discussion with local officials, Allegany County States Attorney James Elliot described the recent spike in drug activity in the area as astronomical. The data shows that in 2020, narcotics investigators  seized 509 grams of cocaine, 574 grams of crack and 1,300 grams of fentanyl.  This year, to date, law enforcement has seized 1,500 grams of cocaine, 1,000 grams of crack and 2,500 grams of fentanyl.  Cumberland has a thriving drug market as officers report that while a cap of fentanyl in Baltimore can be purchased for $6-  it can be sold locally for $25 or $30.  Mayor Ray Morriss said that unfortunately that market is attracting the wrong element to Cumberland- pointing to the recent murder at a Pennsylvania Avenue apartment complex as an example…