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Miller Predicting Gas Tax Increase Apporval

November 8th, 2011 by WCBC Radio

State Senate President Mike Miller is predicting that the General Assembly would approve an increase in Maryland's gas tax, putting his considerable influence behind an issue that is likely to be divisive in the coming legislative session. In an address to Maryland business leaders meeting, Miller said bluntly that there will be a gas tax hike, regardless of how unpopular it may be. here. House Speaker Michael Busch spoke at the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Business Policy Conference, and while stopping short of making similar predictions- he did indicate that it may be the most fair way to pump necessary money into the state’s transportation budget. At a time when significant roads and bridge projects are desperately needed in every jurisdiction in the state- Busch says  that lawmakers in Annapolis are looking at ways to fund a large-scale public works program.

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