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ARC grant awarded to FSU

May 16th, 2015 by WCBC Radio


U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin, together with Congressman John Delaney (all D-Md.) announced this week that the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has awarded a $100,000 federal grant to Frostburg State University for the development of a geochemistry laboratory, which will help prepare students to work in the energy and environmental sectors. “Education is the opportunity ladder of this nation and higher education is a critical rung in that ladder,” Senator Mikulski said. “Our students deserve the chance to excel in their fields, with access to the best technology, so that they are prepared to fill the jobs of today and the jobs of tomorrow. This new laboratory allows Frostburg State University students and faculty to take a leading role in educating our students in the fields of geography and chemistry using the latest technology and teaching tools.”


“Western Maryland is quickly becoming a hub for the quality high-tech jobs of tomorrow,” said Senator Cardin, who recently introduced bipartisan legislation to reauthorize funding for ARC“Federal investment in the geochemistry lab at Frostburg ensures that we are training Maryland students to help fuel the continued growth of our region. I will continue to fight for legislation to make higher education more accessible to all students and to fund agencies like ARC that add value to our communities.”

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